Categories: Weddings

Avoiding the Big Wedding Zillas!

Avoiding the Big Wedding Zillas!

Everyone is familiar with the stereotype of the highly strung bride aka ‘Bridezilla‘, but many of us dismiss it as an over-exaggerated caricature! However, the concept is more real than you might think! In fact, when it comes to big weddings, it is not just the bride who is at risk of turning into a monster under the weight of all of the stress and expectation! Let’s talk about avoiding the big wedding zillas!

What are Big Wedding Zillas?

I coined the term ‘Big Wedding Zillas’ while writing my latest book BIG Weddings SUCK! once I realized that the stress of planning a big wedding doesn’t just affect the bride. Everyone associated with the wedding planning could become a zilla! Most of us have at least heard second hand of outlandish demands and unreasonable behavior from brides struggling to plan the perfect wedding day, but in my book, I also share a few anecdotes about MomZillas, GroomZillas and more! Just a few of the Big Wedding Zillas I introduced include:

  • A bride who walked out of her wedding and immediately demanded a divorce after her groom smeared her face with wedding cake!
  • The father of the groom who had to physically pry his daughter away from the exit after she threw a tantrum about guests leaving early!
  • Grooms who insisted on having the final say on everything from the bride’s dress to the floral arrangements.
  • A militant mother of the bride who completely lost sight of who was actually getting married and disregarded the couple’s wishes.
  • Siblings who seemed to be doing everything in their power to outshine the bride on her big day!

These are the big wedding zillas! In most cases, they are usually very nice people, but when faced with the stress of wedding planning something seems to snap and turns them into someone they barely even recognize! It is something that seldom occurs with a small wedding – because there is less stress and anxiety involved!

Avoiding the Big Wedding Zillas

Avoiding the big wedding zillas is easy! Remove the stress that creates them in the first place! Smaller weddings and Elopements are far more manageable and will help everyone to stay calm and level-headed!

This is just one of the many tips offered in my book BIG Weddings SUCK! which is available now. Grab your copy today!

By Dave Westfall, the Alternative Wedding Planner

Dave Westfall:
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