Categories: Weddings

Big Wedding Stress

Big Wedding Stress

One of the most alarming things that I discovered when writing my newest book BIG Weddings SUCK! is that pre-wedding depression is becoming an increasingly common problem. In the months leading up to their wedding brides should be over the moon. After all, they are counting down the days until they can exchange vows with the man of their dreams. However, thanks to big wedding stress for many brides the pressure of planning a big wedding gets to be overwhelming and instead of having the happiest day of their life, they are dreading the big day. There is something very wrong with that situation!

Helping Couples to Beat Big Wedding Stress

In BIG Weddings SUCK! I will introduce you to Jennifer and Richard, one of the thousands of couples I have helped to elope over the years via the WhereToElope.com website. Jennifer came to me after 5 months of wedding planning. She had been dreaming of the traditional big wedding that all little girls are programmed to want by the Wedding Industrial Complex. However, she had fallen into a deep depression after becoming overwhelmed by big wedding stress and was making excuses not to see her fiance for days on end! The couple was at breaking point and it seemed a split was on the cards.

Thankfully, I was able to help Jennifer & Richard to find a better solution. We made 2 very simple rules:

  1. The wedding was downsized dramatically to make the plans easier to manage.
  2. On 3 nights every single week, they were banned from discussing the wedding. Instead, they used this time to focus on their relationship and to see friends without the pressure of the wedding looming.

Why Does Stress Increase With the Size of the Wedding?

Big wedding stress occurs when wedding plans become overwhelming. The bigger the guest list is, the more stress will be on your plate! Organizing a big wedding is almost a full-time job – and it is likely you already have one of those keeping you busy! A small wedding elopement package can help to reduce stress and make the entire experience much more enjoyable!

Do you want to avoid big wedding stress? BIG Weddings SUCK! can help – Order Now…

By Dave Westfall, the Alternative Wedding Planner

Dave Westfall:
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