Categories: Elopement

Did Brangelia Elope?

Did Brangelina Elope?

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are no strangers to speculation over their marital status as the press have been debating whether or not the pair are secretly married ever since Brad Pitt’s divorce from Jennifer Aniston was made official back in 2005. In fact, back in March of this year when Angelina was spotted wearing a gold band the couple were quick to deny that it was a wedding ring stating that they would only get married once it was legal for everyone to get married in support of the LGBT community’s fight for marriage equality. However, a fresh round of speculation has begun this past weekend when Angelina was spotted out with her children in Australia wearing another ring on her wedding finger in addition to the previous band. This has prompted many to ask whether or not the superstar couple have decided to bypass all of the drama surrounding their relationship and secretly elope instead! So, did Brangelina elope?

It is not entirely unheard of for celebrity couples to elope in secret, in fact Brad and Angelina really did elope this weekend they will be joining a club which includes the likes of actress Zoe Saldana. Celebrity couples often choose elopement or secret weddings as a way to avoid the media circus that will inevitably follow their wedding plans, but it is actually fairly common for ‘regular’ couples to choose this type of wedding too.

Why Choose A Secret Elopement?

There are many reasons to choose elopement over a traditional wedding including the reduced cost, the intimacy and the minimal amount of stress involved compared with a traditional ceremony. These are the same reasons why couples will sometimes choose a secret elopement with one added factor – its easier to get around your friends and family by keeping it to yourselves! No matter how you try to spin it, there is always going to be someone who gets upset that you are planing to elope without friends and family. If you choose to do it in secret and then make an announcement after the event it will often go over a little more smoothly – after all it is done and dusted so there is no chance of talking you out of it! On the other hand, some couples choose to elope purely for the romance and excitement of a secret elopement.

What do you think of secret elopements? Are they romantic and exciting or just under hand and sneaky?

Dave Westfall:
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