Categories: Elopement

Why Couples Are Eloping in 2021

Why Couples Are Eloping in 2021

Ever since WhereToElope.com launched, it has been interesting to track some of the reasons why couples choose elopement over a traditional wedding. Over the years there has been a pattern with the cost of getting married as the most common reason. After all – eloping can save you more than 90% on the cost of a traditional big wedding! However, 2021 is not a normal year in the wedding industry. I wondered if that would have an impact on the top reasons to elope. So I began to research why couples are eloping in 2021.

Financial Reasons

It came as no surprise that the top reason for eloping in 2021 is once again to save money. This has always been one of the main reasons to choose elopement. Couples preferred to divert that money to other expenses such as buying a home, paying off student loans, starting a college fund for kids, or going on holiday. However, now more than ever saving money is important. Many families are finding their income restricted in the wake of the Coronavirus pandemic.

Eloping in 2021 is All About Safety

Many couples who are eloping in 2021 are choosing to do so based on safety concerns. With many states still requiring restricted gatherings and social distancing, a large wedding is not possible. This is a major consideration for couples who perhaps have a compromised immune system themselves, or older parents or grandparents who would be more vulnerable to COVID-19. Small gatherings have become the norm for weddings in the last 18 months.

Environmental Reasons

One reason which hasn’t really been high on the list of reasons to elope in previous years is that eloping can be better for the environment. An average wedding with 150+ guests can produce between 400 and 600 pounds of trash. This includes food waste, napkins, flowers, décor and more. Those who would prefer not to contribute to this wastefulness are choosing to elope instead. The fewer guests you have, the less waste there will be. Eloping can be environmentally friendly as most venues have décor and floral arrangements that are used for multiple weddings instead of being thrown away at the end of one celebration. There is also a growing trend for the ‘Leave No Trace‘ movement where eloping couples can tie the knot outdoors, leaving behind no trace that they were ever there!

Dave Westfall:
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