Categories: Elopement

Elopement vs. Big Wedding, Which Lasts Longer?

Elopement vs. Big Wedding, Which Lasts Longer?

Is there a correlation between divorce and how much you spend on your wedding? WhereToElope.com (WTE) was created to help eloping couples connect with vendors who offer elopement packages. WTE is pro long-term marriages; we just help you get there faster and for considerably less cost. Is our goal detrimental to the couples we are intending to help? NO! In fact, we know that when it comes to elopement vs big wedding, the couples who elope tend to have longer lasting marriages than those who spend, spend, spend on a big wedding. Elopement Marriages last longer than Big Wedding marriages.

Fallacy of Eloping

There has been a long held belief in the collective mind that marriages of “eloping” couples won’t last and lack longevity. Contrary to popular opinion, most elopements are not spontaneous but are planned a few months in advance. It turns out that according to the study shown below, elopement marriages on average last longer than big wedding marriages. One of our earliest WTE blogs introduces the longest-married couple. They eloped, over 80 years ago. Read our blog on this lovely couple.

It’s in the Numbers

What is the correlating factor for the longevity of elopements over big weddings? Simply put, Cost of the Wedding. The greatest reason people chose elopement is to save money. What couples may not realize is that reason alone could be the one factor that contributes to their marriages’ staying power. Statistics have shown that the less a couple spends on their marriage the longer their marriage will last. Read our blog on the higher cost of wedding, the higher the risk of divorce.

Elopement Packages

Eloping doesn’t mean you forgo all the wonderful aspect of a wedding. WTE has a list of vendors with elopement packages at a fraction of a big wedding cost. See for yourself. Go to our places page at the top of this blog, pick a place and a vendor. Discover how many happily ever afters began.

Let us know if you’ve discovered that when you compare Elopement vs Big Wedding, Which Lasts Longer? Elopements Win!

By Dave Westfall



Dave Westfall:
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