Categories: Elopement

Mistakes Brides Make When Planning to Elope

Mistakes Brides Make When Planning to Elope

One of the most common misconceptions when it comes to eloping is that there is little to no planning involved. While it is true that choosing elopement is a great way to eliminate all of the stress that usually comes hand in hand with choosing a wedding, that does not mean that you can dispense with planning your big day completely! While it is possible to book an all-inclusive elopement package, you are still going to have to do a little bit of research and planning yourself to make sure that it all goes off without a hitch! That is the focus of an article by Linda Diproperizo over at She Finds that we came across recently. Let’s take a close look at planning to elope.

6 Mistakes Brides Make When Planning to Elope

In her article, Linda highlights 6 of the most common mistakes that brides make when they are planning to elope. We have summarized them below and added our take on them, but you can go ahead and check out Linda’s article in its entirety on the She Finds website.

  1. Forgetting to Check on the Legalities
    The first mistake that Linda mentions brides being guilty of when planning an elopement is forgetting to check on the legalities of the marriage. We could not agree more with this. Every state has its own requirements in terms of waiting periods, license requirements and so on. If you are eloping overseas or on a cruise then the requirements may be different again. It really is important that you research the legal requirements for weddings in your chosen elopement destination before making any other plans so that you know your wedding will happen without any problems. That’s why we have summarized the legal requirements at the bottom of our U.S. State pages.
  2. Not Talking to a Wedding Planner
    We recently talked about how hiring a wedding planner was one of those unnecessary expenses that pushes the cost of a traditional wedding to dizzying heights, so we are not in total agreement with this particular point that Linda has raised. We do not believe forgoing a wedding planner is necessarily a mistake for eloping couples. However, what we will say is that most of the elopement packages offered by our vendors do include a consultation with an on-site coordinator, the Officiant or planner at your venue. If this is the case then you should definitely make good use of it!
  3. Having No Vision For Your Wedding
    When planning a wedding, one of the first things that you would usually do is come up with a vision or a theme for your big day. Sometimes, when a couple chooses to elope they leave this step out and end up with a ceremony that is not really all that they dreamed of. Just because you are eloping, it doesn’t mean that you cannot have a wedding that in still unique to you. Think about your vision and talk with your elopement vendors about adding those little touches to your day that makes it feel more ‘you’.
  4. Not Hiring a Photographer
    Linda suggests in her article that eloping couples should hire a photographer to attend their ceremony as they may regret not having pictures from their big day. We agree with this up to a certain point, because we have heard from lots of couples who regret not having lasting memories from their elopement. However, you may not need to go so far as to hire a photographer. There are many elopement packages listed on our website that have photography included and even if not, then you may find that if you ask, the venue will provide a staff member to take pictures using your own camera.
  5. Forgetting to Plan Transportation
    One thing that is often not included in elopement packages is transportation and many couples do neglect to look into travel arrangements. This is especially important if your ceremony and lodging are not in the same venue. Make sure you know how you will get to your ceremony on the big day!
  6. Being Unprepared For How People Will React
    One of the biggest mistakes that eloping couples make is not taking into account how friends and family are going to react to the news that you are planning to elope – or that you already did! We have previously discussed how to break the news to your family that you are eloping and we highlighted that no matter what, there is always going to be some level of disappointment and upset involved. The biggest mistake you can make is not preparing how you will announce your elopement plans and not being ready for the reaction you may get. Here at WheretoElope.com we have always believed that the way you break the news goes a long way towards getting a mostly favorable reaction from your friends and family.

Have you made any of these mistakes while planning your elopement?


By Dave Westfall

Dave Westfall:
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